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Interactive Shader Format (ISF)

ISF (Interactive Shader Format) ISF is an open-source file format used to describe GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) fragment shaders in a standardised way, allowing them to be easily shared and used across different applications and platforms. ISF provides a simple and flexible way to create and apply real-time video effects to live or pre-recorded video streams, making it a popular choice among developers and artists working with interactive media.

The Igloo Core Engine (ICE) has implemented ISF shaders, allowing users to apply these effects to any ICE Layer. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the ISF shader system in ICE:

  1. Add an ISF shader to your project:

    • ICE will automatically add any ISF shaders found in the folder C:\ProgramData\Igloo Vision\IglooCoreEngine\shaders\ISF. ICE includes some examples, there’s also huge library user generated shaders which can be found on the ISF website

  2. Apply the ISF shader to an ICE Layer:

    • Select the ICE Layer you want to apply the effect to.

    • In the "Effects" tab, add an ISF effect.

    • Select the ISF shader you want to apply from the list.

    • Adjust any shader parameters as necessary.

  3. Additional options:

    • You can chain multiple ISF shaders together by adding additional shaders to the same layer.

Select “ICE Favorites” from the Category drop down to see some of the most useful effects

When you apply an ISF shader to an ICE Layer, ICE will automatically display the parameters available in the effect You can use these parameters to adjust the look and feel of the effect to suit your needs. Note that not all ISF shaders will have the same set of parameters, so the available options may vary depending on the specific effect you are using.

It is important to note that while ICE supports a wide variety of ISF shaders, some effects may not yet be supported. If you encounter an ISF shader that does not work as expected, please refer to the official ISF documentation.

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