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NewTek NDI

Easily add video sources on the local network which support the NDI standard.

The NDI standard is developed and supported by NewTek ( - which in Sept 2023 fully merged with Vizrt (

The NDI Tools core suite is available to download from

Senders and Receivers

NDI video sources can be considered as NDI senders - they are sending out a video stream. This stream can then be received by an NDI receiver and displayed on a screen.

An NDI Layer in ICE acts as an NDI receiver. The available NDI senders are displayed in the Sender list within the Layer properties view.

Dropdown list of available NDI senders.

Creating an NDI Sender

The Screen Capture application within the NDI Tools suite will create an NDI sender for each of the screens attached to the local machine. This is a good method for mirroring the Igloo media player console, or a laptop screen, on to the ICE canvas.

The Studio Monitor application, also part of the suite, can be used to detect and display the available NDI senders.

Mirror the Media Player console

Start the NDI Screen Capture application on the media player. This application runs in the Windows System Tray, it will create the senders automatically and normally only needs to be accessed to close it.

In ICE, create a new layer, with type NDI. In the layer properties, select an NDI sender from the dropdown menu on the right-hand side of the properties view. The sender name is shown as ‘Machine name (GPU name Index)’.

The layer should now display the video streaming from the NDI sender and can be scaled and positioned on the ICE Canvas.

Sharing the ICE Canvas

The ICE Canvas itself can be shared as an NDI source.

Select Workspace > Canvas Share in ICE.

Select the NDI tab in the pop-up and tick the Enabled check-box.

Canvas Share pop-up dialog.

Run the Studio Monitor application and select the ‘ICE Canvas’ sender.

By default, the ICE Canvas sender includes the whole canvas. Use the Width and Height sliders and the Lock to 16:9 check-box in the Canvas Share dialog to adjust the section of the canvas which is included.

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