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Layer Templates

Templates provide a method for storing a single layer (of any type) with specific property values. An instance of the layer template can then be created and added to the layer list in the workspace. This is useful for layers which may contain a complicated structure, which would be time consuming to replicate from scratch. An example could be a Composition layer which contains a number of other layers.

Create a Template

To save a layer as a template, go to the Misc tab in the Layer properties. In the Template section, select which user groups should be able to see the template and then click Generate. This will create a template with the same name as the current layer. The template will be visible in the Templates tab in the Load Content dialog.

Create a Layer from a Template

To use a template, click Add Content > Load and select the Templates tab. Click on the required template in the list. A layer will be created and added to the layer list.

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