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Layers tab

Control ICE layers remotely, without the need for ICE Canvas or Desktop UI.



The layers tab allows manipulation of ICE’s layer list, layer contextual properties, general layer properties, and ICE’s global volume.

This functionality is described in more detail below.

The layers tab is coming soon for mobile devices, but isn’t currently available.


  • A - Layer list. Click layers in this list to start controlling them. You can also pin/unpin layers and change their visibility from this section without individually selecting them.

  • B - Layer list manipulation. Add layers, as well as change their order and remove them.

  • C - Contextual. This section of the page changes based on what layer type is selected, and the individual layer types will be discussed in more depth below.

  • D - Session title. Displays the name of the currently loaded session.

  • E - Layer properties menu. Allows manipulation of general (i.e. non-layer-specific) properties.

  • F - Volume control. Change ICE’s global app volume.

  • G - Home button. Return to your home layer.

Non-layer-specific properties

Pressing the button in E above opens the general layer properties menu, which allows control of general and geometric properties of a layer.

Contextual UI

The section C above is based on the selected layer type.

  • Image - no additional controls

  • Video - playback controls (playhead, play/pause, loop, volume)

  • Spout - Spout sender selection

  • NDI - NDI source selection

  • YouTube 360 - YouTube URL entry, playback controls, 360/non-360 mode toggle

  • WebView - URL entry, refresh, back/forward

  • IglooWeb - no additional controls

  • Content Bank - Page + tile selection, playback controls, playlist settings

  • Composition - no additional controls.

  • Datapath - input selection

  • Blackmagic - input selection

Add content

Create WebView, NDI, or YouTube layers. Other types coming soon!

See also


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