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Open Stage Control

Open Stage Control is a utility for creating control interfaces that interact with software and devices that use the (very similarly named) Open Sound Control message protocol.

A version of Open Stage Control is bundled with the Igloo Core Service, allowing sessions to be loaded in read-only mode. You can author sessions using another copy of Open Stage Control on any device, and then provide these to the service to load them. This bundled version is hosted on the media server’s port 802 by default (see below for configuration options), and so is accessible in native browsers at http://localhost:802 for debugging, or to custom Ice Control Panel browsers at the same address.

See also: Configuration | openStageControl for available configuration options.


A default session is provided as an example, but any Open Stage Control session can be loaded. In the current version, only one session can be loaded per machine.

See Configuration | openStageControl for details.


A default Igloo theme is applied to Open Stage Control sessions loaded through the service. This provides default values to any session - if any auto values are overridden while authoring a session, then the theme won’t be applied to these styles.

See Configuration | openStageControl for details about configuring themes.


Refer to the Open Stage Control documentation for help with creating sessions.

ICE Control Panel

A pre-configured, non-default ICE Control Panel application is provided for viewing and interacting with Open Stage Control sessions. This can be shown in the apps tab by adding the openStageControl key to your config.json. The default session is configurable, as described above.

You can also create custom browsers, or override the default browser, to change how the app is presented to the user. See ICE Control Panel browsers for more details.

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