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TUIO Protocol

The TUIO protocol ( is utilised for handling touch events over a network, using UDP for data transmission.

Touch Events Handling

  • Coordinates System: Touch events are reported with fractional X and Y coordinates. These represent fractions of the total canvas size.

  • Event Mapping: These fractional coordinates are mapped directly to the canvas, functioning similarly to mouse click coordinates.

Multiple Input Device Support

  • Device Identification: Touch event inputs can be received from multiple devices. Each device is identified uniquely by its IP address and/or port number.

  • Device Assignment: Individual devices can be assigned to specific areas of the canvas. This configuration is done through the application settings (Config > General > TUIO).

Configuration Settings

  • Location: Settings are stored in the TuioSettings.xml file, located at C:\\ProgramData\\Igloo Vision\\IglooCoreEngine\\settings.

  • XML Structure:

    • <TUIO>: The root element.

    • <ROI>: Represents a Region of Interest (ROI) for a specific device.

      • <IP>: The IP address of the device.

      • <port>: The port number used for TUIO communication.

      • <X> and <Y>: The top-left coordinates of the ROI on the canvas (as fractions of total canvas size).

      • <W> and <H>: The width and height of the ROI on the canvas (as fractions of total canvas size).

Example XML Configuration


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