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Content Bank App

The functionality of the Content Bank app has been mostly upgraded into the catch-all Layers Tab.

The standalone Content Bank app is still available, but you’ll probably enjoy the layers tab a bit more.

The Content Bank App in ICE Control Panel is a simple interface designed to provide users with control over the content bank layer within ICE. The app allows users to interact with the Content Bank grid, trigger specific tiles, and manage video playback.

How to Use

1. Accessing the Content Bank App

  • Navigate to the ICE Control Panel Apps tab and select the Content Bank to launch it.

2. Viewing and Interacting with the Grid

  • The content bank grid will be displayed, showing all available tiles and banks.

  • Click on individual tiles to trigger or select them.

3. Managing Video Playback

  • Use the playback controls manage video and media files.

  • Play, pause, or scrub through videos to control viewing experiences.

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