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Media Files

The Content Library’s Media Files Tab lists all media items that have been added to ICE. It provides information about the file such as its name, type, path, resolution and other information, as appropriate.

Adding Media Files

New media files can be added by dragging files from your windows explorer into the Content Library Window.

Files dragged into the Layer List are automatically added to the Content Library window as well. Each media file used in your Workspace will only appear once within the Content Library window, regardless of how many times it is used.

It is also possible to drag a folder into the Content Library Window

Removing Media Files

Media files within ICE can be removed by right-clicking on the individual items and selecting 'Remove'. However, it's important to note the following points regarding the removal of media files:

  • Layer Removal: When a media file is removed, any layers in any session that are linked to this file will also be removed. This ensures that your workspace remains organized and free of redundant elements.

  • Session Removal: In cases where a session contains only one layer, and that layer is linked to the removed media file, the entire session will be deleted as well. This automatic cleanup helps maintain the efficiency and clarity of your project workspace.

  • File Retention on Disk: Removing a media file from ICE does not delete the file from your computer's disk. This action only removes the file's reference from within the ICE environment. Your original media file remains intact and stored on your computer.

Changing a File Association

You can change the file associated with a particular Media file by right clicking the item and selecting Edit, then choosing another file via the Browse button. This will affect all Sessions associated with this Media file.

You should only replace a media file with another file of the same type.

Watch Folders

Go to Config > General to open the General Settings window

Within the Media tab you can add and remove Watch Folders. Once a Watch folder has been added it will be scanned periodically for supported file types, which will be automatically added to the Content Library.

When a watch folder is removed, no media files will be removed from the Content Library

Watch Folders only scan the top-level folder, they will not track files within subfolders.

Media File Properties

Right-clicking individual items and selecting Edit opens the Edit File window for modifying Media file properties

Spherical Format

The Spherical Format property can be used to automate the setup of 360 media when adding it to the Canvas. In this example the Media file is a Cubemap image.

ICE will automatically detect Spherical Format when Media Files are added

Once the Spherical format has been set, ICE will apply the required Effects for handling 360 content whenever the media is used.

See Desktop UI - Handling 360-degree Content for more information on handling 360 content

Stereo 3D Format

The Stereo 3D Format setting can be used to automate the setup of stereo media.

Now whenever a Layer is created using the media, the Stereo 3D mode will be set automatically.

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