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See Upgrade Process for guidance on updating ICE


Bug Fixes


  • Gyroscope Calibration: Fixed the Control Panel calibration issue

  • Datapath Capture Layer: Resolved an issue caused by deleting Datapath layers

  • Content Bank Loading: Addressed a crash issue when loading content with a true perspective effect applied.

  • True Perspective Output: Rectified the visible seam which occurred at certain resolutions

  • License Version: Updated ICE version number tracking.

  • ICE Control Panel (Desktop): Fixed connection issue related to network address. Requires updating ICE control panel. See Upgrade Process

Release Highlights

  • Current session editing : now you can seamlessly edit your current session in ICE without interruption.

  • Canvas recording

  • Content Bank updates : we have made significant updates to the Content Bank, enhancing its usability and functionality.

  • Layer API : introducing the Layer API for developers and system integrators, enabling seamless integration with ICE.

  • Content Bank app on ICE Control Panel : access the Content Bank directly from the ICE Control Panel

  • Model Viewer app - Beta version : try out the beta version of our new Model Viewer app.

  • Desktop UI updates : an updated user interface on the desktop with various improvements and new features.

  • Interactive Shader Format support : ICE now supports Interactive Shader Format, allowing for more advanced shader effects.



  • Layer API : Developers can now leverage the Layer API for seamless integration with ICE.

  • Canvas Recording and Screenshot : Canvas Recording

  • Cursor “Lock to Region” functionality : easily restrict the cursor movement to a specific region within the Canvas. Setup | Lock-Cursor-To-Region

  • Current Session editing - Sessions

  • Desktop UI : introducing a new toolbar in the desktop interface for easy control of properties like the mini-map and volume.

  • Desktop UI : canvas mini map and interaction with the layer tab

  • Upsampling and downsampling image filters: to reduce image aliasing on images and home components

  • Auto-mute hidden layers: optionally set hidden layers to be automatically muted General | Enabled

  • Interactive Shader Format support: ICE now supports Interactive Shader Format, allowing for more advanced shader effects. Interactive Shader Format (ISF)

  • Scalable SDK: integration of the Scalable SDK for camera-based warping and blending.



Content Bank

Content Bank

  • Streamlined for usability: we have improved the Content Bank's usability based on user feedback. Refer to the updated documentation for detailed information.

    • Easily access and modify settings for the active clip without entering "edit" mode

    • ‘Bank' | ‘Tile’ | 'Settings’ tab system

  • Configurable number of grid rows and columns

  • Custom and Dynamic content bank resolution settings

  • Launch sessions from a Content Bank tile: Start sessions directly from a Content Bank tile.

  • Images and Sessions in Playlist mode: images and sessions in playlist mode, with configurable duration periods.

Canvas UI

  • Improved session management via toolbar

ICE Control Panel


Mouse & Keyboard

  • Presentation mode: show ‘back’ and ‘forward’ buttons to easily navigate through a presentation


Content Bank

  • View and control Content Bank layers from within ICE Control Panel Content Bank App

Model Viewer

  • Beta version: try out the beta version of our new Model Viewer app, designed to provide a simple workflow for viewing basic 3D models in ICE. Simple Model Viewer


Revit & Navis

  • NDI output

  • Support for version 2024

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