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Igloo Core Engine

See Upgrade Process for guidance on updating ICE


  • Added a screen window minimize function to layers, making it easier to display 3rd party applications in fullscreen mode. Misc | Hide/Show-windows

  • Cursor position now maps correctly with True Perspective and Cubemap to Equirectangular Effects applied. Does not support Composition layers yet.

  • Canvas rotation is now available. Canvas Configuration

  • Touchscreen support has been added to Desktop UI.

  • Custom head position setting for True Perspective effect per layer is now possible. Effects | Custom-Head-Position

  • Fixed True Perspective head position scaling issue

You may need to reconfigure the head position setting after updating

  • The tags system has been improved.

  • Set layout is now visible on Desktop UI. Layouts Window | Show-Layout

  • License expiration warning is now displayed using Windows system notifications

  • Added support for DDS Cubemap format.

  • Scale is now reset to 1.0 when Resize mode is changed

  • Performance has been improved.

  • Content library filtering is now available.

  • Default volume setting for new layers added

  • Access ICE Control Panel download page via ICE help menu

  • Access ICE program data folder via ICE help menu

  • Configure logging level for Log files and Console logging Logging


Canvas UI

  • Content Bank UI is now available for moving to the next/previous clip and controlling playback of a video tile. Canvas UI - Content Bank Control

  • Custom options when creating a new WebView are now available.

  • Waiting for sender information has been added to NDI and Spout layers.

  • WebView Login form has been added.

  • Home button remains visible when Canvas toolbar is collapsed

ICE Control Panel

  • Added PlayStation 5 Dual Sense controller support with Gyroscope data for Realtime applications.

Igloo Setup

  • Added the ability to export ICE canvas settings and Unity settings. Igloo Setup | Export

  • Auto-arranging of floor screens is now available.

  • UI theme has been updated.

  • Dome screen type has been added.

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