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  • Stereo 3D: Enables output to stereo 3D displays Stereo 3D

  • Import | Export system: Allows the sharing of layers and sessions between different systems, including all associated assets. Import & Export System

  • Annotation (Beta): Annotate the Canvas through the use of Pen, Text and Shape tools. Canvas UI - Annotation

  • ICE Control Panel - Layer Management: View and edit layers in the workspace, including geometry adjustment and layer removal

  • Example Sessions: a range of example sessions files are now included with the ICE installation and can be found in C:\ProgramData\Igloo Vision\IglooCoreEngine\example sessions. These can be imported using the Session Import Folder functionality - Import & Export System | Import-folder



  • Stereo 3D: Enables output to stereo 3D displays Stereo 3D

  • Import | Export system: Allows the sharing of layers and sessions between different systems, including all associated assets. Import & Export System

  • Workspace Templates: Predefined configurations for workspaces that serve as a starting point for creating new workspaces. Workspace | id-(1.3.0)Workspace-Templates

  • TUIO: Enables the canvas cursor to be controlled using the TUIO protocol, supporting TUIO-based touchscreen devices. TUIO Protocol

  • Always on Top: Forces screen windows to remain visible on top of other application windows.

  • Dynamic Console Window: Show and Hide ICE console window at runtime.

  • Desktop UI updates: new UI widgets and improved styling throughout

  • File Browser improvements: Favorites are saved

  • Igloo Setup: Simplifies the process with a drag-and-drop functionality for Screen model and True Perspective files directly into ICE.



  • Layer Duplication

  • Move to Region: New feature to move a layer to a region without also locking it to that region. Possible via both Canvas and Desktop UI

  • New Effects:

    • Plane to Equirectangular: Transform flat images into 360-degree equirectangular projections

    • Fisheye (ISF)

    • Advanced Cropping (ISF)

    • Vertical Stretch (ISF)

  • Metadata: Enhance your layers with additional context and information Misc | Metadata

Content Bank

  • Improved Drag and Drop from explorer: Enhanced multi-file drag and drop support from Windows Explorer onto a Content Bank grid.

  • Drag between Tiles: drag content to different tiles


  • Additional Desktop Controls: New controls including refresh, page forward, and page back accessible via the Desktop UI.

  • Clear Cookies: Option to clear cookies during runtime.

  • New Immersive Mode Apps: Integration of both Google Maps and Matterport.

  • Zoom Level : the zoom level is now stored as a property of a layer when saving

YouTube 360

  • Auto-Detection of YouTube Video Resolution: This feature automatically determines and adjusts to the optimal resolution for YouTube videos.YouTube 360 | Presets

  • Handling of Video URLs with Start Times: process YouTube video URLs that include specific start times.


  • Theme Duplication: Ability to duplicate Home themes.

  • Grid Fill Type Warning: A new warning dialogue appears when changing the Grid fill type.

  • Layout Reordering: functionality for reordering Home layouts

  • Geometry Labels: pixel values displayed for position and resolution of components

Canvas UI

  • URL Opening in WebView: A new contextual menu allows URLs to be opened within a new WebView layer.

  • Widget Position Saving: Positions of Video and YouTube widgets are now automatically saved.

  • Toolbar State: The collapsed state of the toolbar is now remembered between workspaces.

  • Menu Grouping: Improved navigation with grouped menu items for NDI sources and Layer Regions.

  • Annotation (Beta): Annotate the Canvas through the use of Pen, Text and Shape tools. Canvas UI - Annotation

  • New Immersive Mode Apps: Integration of both Google Maps and Matterport.

Media Library

  • Enhanced Media File Deletion: More options and clearer interface for deleting media files. Media Files | Removing-Media-Files

  • Tree View Context Menu: Enhanced context menu for more efficient file management.

  • Improved Styling: Updated widget styling

  • Improved File Detection: Advanced detection of media file properties when dragging files from Windows Explorer.


  • Workspace API

    • New Functions: The API now supports a broader range of workspace management capabilities, including the creation, modification, and deletion of workspaces.

  • Session API

    • Persistent UUIDs: In a significant update, sessions now utilise persistent UUIDs, replacing the previous ID system. This enhancement ensures greater consistency across different installations and facilitates easier sharing and transferability of sessions.

  • Canvas Share API

    • Introducing: The newly introduced Canvas Share API gives users the capability to control their canvas sharing properties with control over Spout, NDI, and Canvas recording features. The API allows the selection of specific regions of the canvas for sharing or recording. 

ICE Control Panel

Mouse Tab

  • Auto Enable / Disable Canvas UI: Optional setting to automate enabling and disabling the Canvas UI mode within ICE when starting and stopping casting.

Layers Tab (New!)

  • Layer Management: View and edit layers in the workspace, including geometry adjustment and layer removal

  • Contextual Controls: Custom controls for different layers, such as YouTube and video playback, and content banks.

  • Embedded App Controls: Integrated controls for Google Street View, Matterport, and model viewer apps


Street View

  • Moved to Igloo Core Service


  • Moved to Igloo Core Service

Upgrade Notes

Integration of Streetview and Matterport into Igloo Core Service

The Streetview and Matterport integrations are now included within the igloo-core-service. This means there is no longer a need for separate installations for these services.

We have moved away from using multiple ports for different integrations. Both Streetview and Matterport can now be accessed through a single port, port 800, on the igloo-core-service.

The updated URLs for accessing these services are e.g.

  • Streetview Control: http://localhost:800/streetview/control/

  • Matterport Control: http://localhost:800/matterport/control/

For a full list of updated URLs, refer to:

Automatic Migration with ICE 1.3 Installation

The installation of ICE 1.3 includes an automatic migration process to help with the transition to the updated system. This migration includes:

  • Service Removal: The standalone Streetview and Matterport services will be removed. No settings are deleted during this process.

  • API Key Migration: If existing API keys for Streetview and Matterport are found, they will be transferred to the igloo-core-service configuration file located at C:\igloo\igloo-core-service\config.json.

  • Favorites: Favorites, along with Streetview and Matterport ICE sessions, will be updated to reflect the new port 800 access point. This ensures all your saved data remains intact and easily accessible under the new system.

  • ICE sessions: any relevant URL’s within the ICE database are updated to use the new 800 port

  • Redirects for Old URLs: old URLs (such as http://localhost:9070/control/) will automatically redirect to the new corresponding igloo-core-service URLs, in this case http://localhost:800/streetview/control/

API Breaking changes

  • load session message


Previously the id parameter was the database ID of the session within ICE. In ICE 1.3 this has been changed such that the id expects the UUID of the session. This can be found via the Edit Session window.

Sessions can still be loaded using the database ID using the following


Known Issues

  • WebView audio: after prolonged usage the audio output from a WebView layer can sometimes stop outputting under certain hardware configurations

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